Treadmill, dreadmill... whatever... Running on a treadmill is part of being a runner in Michigan. This is the first week of this training cycle that I need to hit 45 miles, and we are supposed to be getting the biggest snow storm in 5 years. Great. Everyone is in panic mode, stocking up on toilet paper, bottled water, and gasoline... while I was in my apartment's fitness center, hammering out a quick 7 miles on the 'mill after a long day of work... and tomorrow I will go back for 10 more...
During those 7 miles, I did my first tempo run of the year, just 3 miles at a 7 minute pace... which is nonexistent in treadmill world, so I did 6:58's... and now that I am in for the rest of the snowy night, I have the most insatiable hunger. Which reminds me... Maybe I should explain why I think I can eat my way to a sub 3 marathon...
I am about halfway through this book:
Which everyone I know thinks is ridiculous, because I am hardly over 100lbs.
But here is the deal... I am obsessed with food. I love to cook it, eat it, read about it... anything! Though I already knew about 90% of what I have read, and I don't really expect to learn much more... it has enlightened me on one thing. I need to run to eat... does that make sense? Instead of trying to balance my eating with my running (which is miserable when you love food and skinny jeans, and are a self confessed yo-yo runner), I just need to run more!... Which, if you read my first post, my physical therapist already told me... so this is my plan...
eat more + run more = a faster, healthier athlete
But if I want to keep myself lean and strong, I need to keep it nutritious... duh! I have gotten that part down pat...but I am in a food rut... so I am going to take this all as a chance to expand my recipe repertoire.
Now, I will admit, marathon runners seem to have a little extra wiggle room with eating... and naturally slim runners have even a little more wiggle room... but that doesn't mean we can run strong on doughnuts, french fries, and ice cream every day.
So this is where I am at... Trying to be a consistent runner, by becoming a consistent eater.
Maybe this is all really obvious to you, but in a world that tells it's young women that we all need to be on a diet, because a size 000 isn't good enough, this is a real revelation for me. And with young, female athletes facing the Female Athlete Triad, I hope this blog will help female runners everywhere come to love their bodies, run strong, and eat properly.
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