Monday, February 21, 2011

Lazy me...

I have been spending a lot more of my time eating and training than I have been blogging, eh? Well, as an update on my training, I have officially finished my first 50 mile week of this training cycle, along with two spinning classes. To be honest, I think I have only ever even hit 50 miles in a week once or twice in my life. As I told you all before, I will be hitting 60 miles twice in this cycle. This completely freaked me out when I saw it on my training schedule, but now that I have finished 50 and feel really good, I am not so worried. Maybe this is the start to feeling confident in ending my yo-yo running  cycle? I guess we won't know until after Boston... It seems to always be after the marathon that I fall off of the wagon... Well, my husband wants me to blog about a really delicious recipe today, so that he can eat it tonight... So I promise, I will have something tasty up at some point today!


  1. 50 miles, 60 miles what's the difference? Oh, that's right ten miles. How much are you eating????

  2. I am eating more then you would believe... Anything and everything vegetarian...
